The purpose of the audit is to confirm with a reasonable security that the information, subject to audit, is free of material misstatement and inconsistencies, which we express in the form of a positive security
The purpose of the audit is to confirm with a reasonable security that the information, subject to audit, is free of material misstatement and inconsistencies, which we express in the form of a positive security
The purpose of the review is to confirm with moderate certainty that the information, subject to the review, does not contain any material misstatement and inconsistencies which we express in the form of negative security.
Prospective financial information is financial information, which is based on assumptions about possible future events or the possible actions of the enterprise. It is subjective and its production requires significant judgment.
The purpose of the verification is to express an opinion in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian Commercial Act (CA). Normally, these commitments are related to the acquisition and transformation of companies, including confirmation of the exchange ratio under the plan / contract for transformation and validation of the capital of acquired / start-up companies.
The purpose of engagement is to perform audit procedures on issues, which are under contract, while for the procedures performed and the corresponding results, we issue a report with factual ascertainments
The aim of this commitment is to collect, classify and summarize certain financial information, and thus making the detailed financial data easy to analyze and manage. These services do not provide certainty about the information.
These analyzes can be useful for potential investors in new businesses, as well as for the seller of the respective projects, because they allow to reduce the time needed to complete the transaction, by providing buyers with a greater certainty about the business environment and by supporting the information through the reliability of facts and numbers / for more information see consulting services related to business transactions /.